Enjoy, Explore, Experience Ethiopia with us
We're a full service local Destination Management Company

Coffee, but so much more.
The Kaffa region of Ethiopia is widely regarded as the home of the Arabica coffee plant, where it was first cultivated - the namesake of the most famous drink in the world that everyone knows as coffee!
So it was obvious at the start of our company to register as Coffee Tours PLC, and still our famous Coffee Tour is our all-time best-seller!
Started in 2008, founded by two dedicated Ethiopians, experienced in guiding and executing tours and graduated from Ethiopian Tourism Institute, we have grown into a full service Destination Management Company, with 6 experts in our Addis office and 15 drivers and tour guides 'in the field'; all trained and officially licensed by us. And now with a wide range of services, developed and managed by our own employees - to guarantee quality and character - just like a good cup of coffee!

Our Services
• Historic route tours
• Adventure tours
• Cultural tours
• Educational tours
• Coffee region tours
• Bird Watching
• Hiking and Trekking
• Car rental service
• Hotel and flight reservation
Always striving for Excellence!
Enjoy our country’s mild climate, beautiful landscape, the simplicity of life and diversity of our people. You are in good hands; our experienced staff will take care about your safety and security!
Explore an unknown history, geological sites, secluded churches and monasteries and meet authentic cultures. Well planned and organized by professional experts!
Experience the warm smile of our hospitable people; their traditions, colorful festivities and unique food. We support Responsible Tourism and tours are organized in the most sustainable way!
We are committed to a sustainable future by improving the social, economic and environmental well being of the community, aiming to restore, protect and enhance our natural environment while providing quality experiences that satisfy our visitors.
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